757-452-6200 moc.rolyattsao@ofni


World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

June 15th is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, part of World Elder Abuse Awareness Month, which is held each June. The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services reports that nearly 1 in 10 American senior citizens are abused or neglected each year. Elder...

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Stimulus Checks for Deceased Persons: What to Do

Shortly after the IRS began issuing stimulus checks (otherwise known as “Economic Impact Payments” under the CARES Act), Oast & Taylor began receiving inquiries from clients along the lines of the following: I received a check made payable to my deceased loved...

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A Note for Advisors

Please note that the law firm of Oast & Taylor is in one business only – that of representing our clients in elder law matters. Oast & Taylor is not in the investment or brokerage business. We do not have a financial services firm. We have no alternative agendas.

We look forward to collaborating with you in order to meet the needs of a client who is seeking investment advice.